Alongside Bird Road, the bustling street that marks the front of Coral Gables Senior High School, a granite block sitting on two stone pillars was recently updated to mirror the school’s recent beautification projects. With a donation from Friends of Gables High, a non-profit created to aid the school both academically and aesthetically, the structure has been restored back to its pristine condition.
Almost 30 years old, the granite piece was originally presented to Gables by the class of 1992 along with the student council. While its importance to the school was still apparent, its appearance was unable to withstand the harsh Miami weather it faced over the years. Faded letters that could barely be read were repainted with bright red and black hues to match Cavalier school colors. The sign was also pressure cleaned which left it shimmering; a sight passerbys could not miss.
After Mr. Ullivari shared his concerns about having a weathered sign in front of a school whose new construction project has recently garnered heavy attention, FOGH stepped in and raised enough money to fix-up the placard. Headed by June Morris, founder of FOGH, and is organized by Ms. Suarez, Gables’ activities director, the process of refurbishing the granite structure went smoothly. Morris brought in landscaping services from J & D Tropical Landscape Inc., while Ms. Suarez was able to get the help of an artist from RJHEDESA Fine Art.
Boasting that Gables is the “Home of the Cavaliers,” the sign reflects students’ school spirit and reminds onlookers that Gables is a family. Because the sign has been kept for generations, it signifies both the long history and prominent symbol of the Cavalier that makes Gables what it is. A proud marker of the 71-year-old structure, the placard’s appearance finally mirrors the prestige of the school it represents.
Along with its sign, Gables has also taken up several other renovations this school year. The soon-to-be Building 6 is almost open and prepared to house Academy of Finance students, ceramics classes, Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps classrooms and other academics. FOGH has worked closely to help fund this massive project and has also donated other school necessities such as a golf cart that will be used by the athletic department.
“It is so nice to know that there are parents, alumnus and teachers who put forth effort to keep our school looking beautiful. Up-keep and maintenance is such an important thing to do, especially at an older school like Gables…the sign looks brand new,” sophomore Adrian Gonzalez said.
FOGH along with the Cavalier family is working on continuing the Gables High beautification process. Updating the entire marquee outside the school along with beginning phase two of the construction project which includes renovating electricity and windows of the older building is in the works.
Credits: CavsConnect
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