Renovated Staff Lounge

Renovated Staff Lounge

Today marks a monumental milestone as we joyfully introduce the newly renovated staff lounge—a dream turned reality. A heartfelt thank you to the incredible Class of 1972 for their unwavering support throughout this journey. Gratitude flows to the Admire and Beardslee...
Fenway Park Tour

Fenway Park Tour

On Tuesday, November 8th, Mike Lowell, class of 1992 alum and MLB All-Star, arranged and funded a private tour of Fenway for the students participating in the Gables out-of-state college tour. Thank you Mike Lowell for your continuous support of the Cavalier...
FOGH Grant: Highlights

FOGH Grant: Highlights

Highlights, the student-run news magazine at Gables, received a FOGH grant last year, which allowed them to cover the printing costs for their magazine issue. This grant not only allowed them to offset printing costs but also allowed the staff to purchase the Adobe...
FOGH Grant: Gablettes

FOGH Grant: Gablettes

Thanks to the FOGH Grant program, the award-winning Gablette Dance Team purchased these beautiful maroon costumes. Stay up to date with all things Gablettes by following @gablettesdanceteam and...
FOGH Grant: CavsTV

FOGH Grant: CavsTV

With the FOGH grant, CavsTV, Gables’ social media publication, purchased new cameras. With this equipment, students can further their learning in photography, content creation, and event coverage. Be sure to follow @cavsconnect to see all of their campus...
FOGH Grant: Cavaleon

FOGH Grant: Cavaleon

Cavaleon, the Gables yearbook, purchased additional SD cards for all staff members with a grant from FOGH. These SD cards provide the yearbook staff with more storage space to save all the memories they capture throughout the school...